We are a diverse and active parish, located in the heart of downtown Mt. Kisco, drawing our congregation from across Northern Westchester. We invite you to learn more about us here and we hope that you will visit us in person as well.
We seek to serve all persons who may have unanswered spiritual needs; religious questions; major life events; a hunger for a fresh sense of community; or who want to learn more about God, Jesus, the Church, or a Life of Faith. We recognize that the spiritual life is a unique journey for each person. It would be a privilege to have you come and journey with us.
Our weekly Sunday service is a 9:30 am celebration of the Holy Eucharist in the form of Rite II, which uses contemporary language, for most Sundays, and the more Traditional, Rite I, service on a Sunday during each season. We also have a service on Thursday mornings at 9:00 am followed by our Bible/Book Study.
​9:30 am Eucharistic Service
​85 East Main Street
Mt. Kisco, NY 10549
Life at St. Mark's

About Us


Our congregation includes members from many backgrounds and faith traditions, members of the LGBTQ+ community who have found comfortable inclusion, and members who have moved to Northern Westchester from around the world. Together, we love and support one another in our faith journey.
As part of The Episcopal Church, we firmly believe that we are called to share God’s unconditional love with all who enter our doors and with no preconceived ideas about what people should or do believe.
There are many ways to get involved. Sunday services rely on the dedication and talent of ushers and the hospitality, altar and flower guilds. Our prayer network, faith and justice initiative, and outreach ministries are expressions of our commitment to one another and service to the broader community.
We welcome you to our community of faith and invite you to join us in a caring and welcoming community.

At the center of life at St. Mark’s Episcopal Church is our worship of God. Every Sunday, we celebrate the Eucharist – (some call it Holy Communion or The Lord’s Supper).
Our services follow the Book of Common Prayer, which is the worship guide of The Episcopal Church. It can be downloaded for free from here.
At St. Marks, our normal Sunday Worship includes a single service of Holy Eucharist. Our Sunday service moved to 9:30 am to better allow families and folks commuting in to join for worship.
Our Priest preaches a sermon which is based on the Scripture readings assigned for the day.
We also hold a weekday service on Thursdays at 9 a.m.
The Gospel and Sermon can be viewed on our Facebook page here.
Music at St. Mark's enhances our spiritual life on many levels. Read more about our music program here.
Our Leadership

Our Church thrives because of the energy, skills and dedication of the people who are a part of our leadership.
In the Episcopal Church, the Vestry are parish leaders responsible for management of parish property and resources and selecting a rector or priest. The rector is the presiding officer of the vestry. Vestry members are elected at the congregation's annual meeting.

Our Vestry
Alexander Antes
Senior Warden
Elizabeth Schreiner
Junior Warden
Jody Sherman
Clerk of Vestry
Rob Gibbons
Eileen Marks
Jessica Mineo
Ann Natale
Laurie Nisco
Fran Osborne
Ted Raymond
Mary Lynn Windsor
Our Ministries

Prayer Network

The St. Mark's prayer network is a longstanding ministry of our Church. It serves as a ministry to families and individuals in need of healing, peace and strength. The Prayer Network Coordinator takes calls and email requests and notifies members of the prayer team.
All requests are confidential. Many parishioners find this resource a great comfort, knowing that prayers of healing and hope are being offered daily for their loved ones and friends.
If you have a prayer request or would like to become part of the prayer network, contact Mary Lynn Windsor, Prayer Network Coordinator, via email here.

Faith & Justice

The St. Mark's Faith and Justice Committee fosters discussion on the Christian response to injustice in our world. The Committee's June 2020 letter on racial justice encouraged our parish to work for a world in which we better seek and serve Christ in all persons, love our neighbor as ourselves, strive for justice and peace among all people, and respect the dignity of every human being. To read the entire letter, click here.
Parish members participated in Episcopal New York Reads to explore the meaning of anti-racism through a book study of one of the most timely and important books of our day: How To Be An Antiracist, by the acclaimed winner of the National Book Award, Ibram X. Kendi.

Altar Guild
Flower Guild

Through our outreach ministry we seek to respond to Jesus' call to care for the least among us. Matthew 25:40
We are a founding member of the Emergency Shelter Partnership and continue to provide shelter each year.
We also support the Community Center of Northern Westchester and The Mount Kisco Interfaith Food Pantry through gifts of time, talent, and resources.
Our annual Boutique and Rummage Sale supports these ministries.

Extending Hospitality To Our Neighbors
During the Coldest Months of the Year
This year, St. Mark's hosted the Emergency Shelter Partnership from November 13-20.

St. Mark's Episcopal Church 85 East Main Street Mt. Kisco, NY 10549 (914) 666-8058 stmarksoffice@stmarksmountkisco.org