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Events at St. Mark's

Sunday School THIS WEEKEND! Our new Lego-based Sunday School starts today in the back of the Parish Hall at 11 am! Join teacher and vestryperson, Liz Napp, as you’ll explore stories of the Bible using Lego and Duplo bricks to imagine them for yourselves.


Annual Blessing of the Animals Please join us Sunday, October 6 at 3 PM for our annual Blessing of the Animals in recognition of the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi!  All animals and people are welcome to join!


Candlelight Concerts We have two more evenings scheduled for the Candlelight Concerts from Fever this Fall, on September 27 and October 18. Tickets can be found by visiting and looking for St. Mark’s as the venue. Please speak with Jess Mineo if you are interested in helping with coverage from St. Mark’s folks during the afternoons and evenings for these. You can also mark your calendars for November 22 and December 13 for the next set of concerts.

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