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Events at St. Mark's

Annual Meeting The Annual Parish Meeting is coming on Sunday, February 16th. The meeting will be in the church following our 9:30 Eucharist, and then all are invited to join for a potluck lunch to share in our fellowship and love for one another. Anna Stone will be coordinating the lunch. If you are the chair of a committee or ministry, please get annual reports to Chrissy and Rev. Kyle in the office no later than Tuesday, February 3rd.


St. Mark’s Movie Night Join us on Wednesday, January 15, 2025 for the first movie night of the new year! We’ll join in watching the newly-adapted and acclaimed thriller, Conclave, which centers around the death of a Pope and the election of his successor. As always, the movie will begin at 6:30 pm and we’ll have light refreshments and popcorn to share, plus anything you bring along. These events are open to all, so bring a friend!


Vestry Nominations Vestry nomination forms are available on the table in the office hallway. The Vestry Nominating Committee is being convened to review and prepare the nominations ahead of our Annual Parish Meeting on February 16. 


Candlelight Concerts We have two more concert dates set for this month, on the 24th, and 25th. Tickets can be found by visiting and looking for St. Mark’s as the venue. Please speak with Jess Mineo to help. 


Life Line Health Screening If you are needing to get some health screenings but struggle to get appointments or afford the high cost of our for-profit healthcare system, St. Mark's is hosting Life Line Screening on Thursday, January 16, 2025. 


175th Jubilee and Installation Our celebration for the end of April, 2025 will culminate in a Festive Eucharist for the Anniversary and Institution of Rev. Kyle as our 24th Rector with Bishop Matt Heyd presiding on Sunday, April 27, 2025 at 4:00 pm. 


Rev. Kyle Away Once again, Rev. Kyle is going on the diocesan language study trip to Mexico for the second half of January. While he is away, there will be a supply priest filling in on the Sundays, Jan 19th and 26th, and pastoral emergencies can contact the wardens, who will put you in touch with a covering priest for that. He will return for Sunday worship on February 2nd.

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